Gluten-free recipes

Gluten-free recipes

With its plentiful pizza, pastas and breads, 'Italian cuisine' and 'gluten-free' don't seem like natural bedfellows. However, as this collection of gluten-free Italian recipes demonstrates, there are plenty of ways of adapting your favourite dishes to a gluten-free diet. Even pasta, the gluten-dodger's nemesis, can be given the wheat-free treatment with Cristina Bowerman's homemade gluten-free pasta recipe, using rice flour and buckwheat flour to make beautiful tagliatelle. Risotto is another Italian comfort food staple that is naturally gluten-free - try the Costardi Brothers' asparagus risotto recipe for a next-level version.

There are some fantastic gluten-free dessert recipes, too. The Costardi Brothers' meringue recipe, served with chocolate sauce and ice cream, is made simply with egg whites, sugar and lemon zest, while Fabrizio Marino's Vegan tiramisu recipe swaps sponge fingers for spiced biscuits made with almond meal.


64 Recipes | Page 1 of 32


64 Recipes | Page 1 of 32